Daily poetics has some really great little bits of ephemera on her photostream at the moment. I love this little tea tag - so much thought has been put into this tiny inconsequential thing. It didn't have to be, but it has. And it's beautiful.
magpie finds
thats nice, I would like some tea poetry! what brand is it?
Hi! Glad you like it. She actually sent me an email with a bit more detail about it;
Hi there!
I am pleased you like the tea tag, it is a little delight
isn't it ...
i just wanted to let you know that it is from good earth
teas - www.goodearthteas.com (great restaurant too!) not
all of their teas have these tags with quotes but if i
remember correct their original tea, green tea and black
tea ... I have a small collection of various brands ea tags
- like you, i notice and appreciate these subtle often
graphic, paper, typographic or ephemeral details ... It's
amazing the places we find ourselves surprised by little
bits of beauty or meaning - sometimes intentional,
sometimes just our openess or perspective ...
I like your blog too - anxious to explore it further! I
have one dailypoetics.com but am not great about updating,
and its become an overwhelming, unorganized "list" of
fascinations - ultimately, i suppose a personal visual
bookmarking system - shared! : )
Thanks for the comment, i am happy you liked this tiny
detail - Have a lovely evening!
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