I like has a great piece about the inimitable John Hinde at the moment, well worth a look.
magpie finds
Part of my favourite section of the Science Museum - the bit with all the recent history of gadgets, tat and rubbish. The brick-like mobile phones with car-battery type attachments, the mangy looking old Barbies, the old Apple Mac, the 1960's TV Times...
Perhaps it's our affinity for the dramatic. Or maybe it's our penchant for the out-of-the-ordinary. Whatever the case, documenting our 100 year history in a book could never be a mundane undertaking.
This group of sculptures by Lockwasher is crammed full of beautiful little robots and ray guns and really lovely characters.
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - A giant, smiling Lego man was fished out of the sea in the Dutch resort of Zandvoort on Tuesday.
Workers at a drinks stall rescued the 2.5-metre (8-foot) tall model with a yellow head and blue torso.
"We saw something bobbing about in the sea and we decided to take it out of the water," said a stall worker. "It was a life-sized Lego toy."
'Belongings Apart' questions the extent to which an object or possession can ever represent its owner or hold particular meaning and invites the audience to discover its own associations in the work.
"What is a snobbish art scandal today is an accepted style tomorrow and a merchandised style the next day."
Lisa Congdon AKA Bird in the Hand's collection of daily drawings on flickr is one of my favourite regular check-ups.